Monday, August 4, 2008

EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS: Environmental Statistics


The first choice for environmental data analysis. EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS, an add-on module to S-PLUS, provides a set of powerful yet simple-to-use pull-down menus and functions for performing graphical and statistical analyses of environmental data. The software brings the major environmental statistical methods found in the literature and regulatory guidance documents into one statistical package, along with an extensive hypertext help system that explains what these methods do, how to use these methods, and where to find them in the environmental statistics literature. Also included are numerous built-in data sets from regulatory guidance documents and the environmental statistics literature.

EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS will be useful to anyone who has to make sense of environmental data, including hydrologists, soil scientists, atmospheric scientists, geochemists, environmental engineers and consultants, hazardous and solid waste site managers, and regulatory agency analysts and enforcement officers. Parts of EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS incorporate statistical methods that have appeared in the environmental literature but are not commonly found in any statistical software package. Parts of EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS are specifically aimed at users who are required to collect and analyze environmental monitoring data in order to comply with federal and state Superfund, RCRA, CERCLA, and Subtitle D regulations. All of the functions in EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS, however, are useful to anyone who needs to analyze environmental data.

Not just for environmental data. By extending the statistical capabilities of S-PLUS, EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS is also useful to practitioners outside the field. Anyone who uses S-PLUS will find all sorts of useful functions in EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS, including functions to plot probability and cumulative distribution functions, a standardized set of functions for estimating distribution parameters and quantiles and computing confidence intervals, new functions and methods for Goodness-of-Fit tests (including Shapiro-Wilk), functions to compute prediction and tolerance intervals, functions to estimate and test for trend, functions to easily create power and sample size plots, functions to handle Type I censored data, and functions to perform probabilistic risk assessment. Furthermore, the glossary of statistical terms is a valuable tool to anyone who wishes to use S-PLUS to learn or teach Statistics.

EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS includes a comprehensive reference manual and detailed documentation. An excellent companion volume (available separately) is Environmental Statistics with S-PLUS.

EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS includes an easy-to-use graphical user interface, new functionality for computing and plotting power curves, new hypothesis tests, calibration lines and curves, simultaneous prediction intervals, new functionality for censored data, and much more -- see the feature list for more details.

Key Benefits

* Comprehensive statistical methods and accompanying literature found in a single environment improving productivity
* Invaluable tools for study design from an easy-to-use GUI make it easy to become productive quickly
* Documentation, extensive help files and industry-specific examples
* Advanced visualization tools for analyzing and interpreting results
* Ability to program functions to meet unique organizational needs

Product Information

* Demo: EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS
* Read client testimonials.

Statistical analysis software

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