Monday, August 25, 2008

Customer Growth

Grow Each of your Customer Relationships to Maximize Lifetime Value (LTV)

Acquiring new customers requires the majority of a marketing organization’s budget, time and focus. Yet, acquisition is only the beginning of the relationship. If you understand the potential Lifetime Value (LTV) of your customers, you can accelerate profitability and maximize the return on the marketing spend. With Insightful’s Customer Growth solution you can:

* Understand and predict your customers' LTV
* Grow marketing ROI through campaign optimization
* Cross-sell the most appropriate products at the right time and through the right channel
* Increase customer wallet-share
* Improve the success rate selling new products to current customers

Understanding Customer Lifetime Value ensures your total marketing investment assists in deepening customer relationships and increasing profitability. Through the use of predictive analytics you can create offers and campaigns that appeal directly to your most profitable customers, gaining a greater share of their discretionary spend. You can further analyze campaign results to create new offers and campaigns that keep your company top-of-mind and increase overall customer value.

Statistical analysis software

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