Monday, August 25, 2008

Enterprise Risk Aggregation

Is your organization comprehensively managing risk? Or like so many financial services institutions, are you struggling with isolated and or restricted views that create sub-optimal business investment decisions; driving up the cost of your capital and the overall exposure of your institution?

Insightful’s Enterprise Risk Aggregation solution provides a statistically rigorous software framework that aggregates your correlated risk across business units, geographies and product types. You can move your team beyond just meeting economic capital requirements to leveraging a platform that facilitates true business decision support through an enterprise level view into your institution’s risk.

* Reduce variability in both quantitative and qualitative measures of performance

* Optimize your economic capital allocation

* Improve your capability to predict loss and return on enterprise risk

* Improve credit rating and lower your reputation risk

* Lower your overall cost of capital in the marketplace

The Enterprise Risk Aggregation solution from Insightful can help your organization to protect shareholder value through a more efficient and cost-effective use of capital while maintaining a sufficient cushion against unexpected losses. Your team can proactively model M&A opportunities, meet regulatory compliance reporting requirements and create the edge you need to compete and win in this demanding and volatile market environment.

Statistical analysis software

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